Sunday, July 09, 2006

Day 11: Crossing the Continental Divide

62.94 mi max 43.0 mph 5:52.00 avg 10.7

Getting up over MacDonald Pass and the Continental Divide was T-O-U-G-H!!!! The incline was fairly steep - it was essentially 20 miles of uphill. Halfway up, someone had painted some encouragement on the road (see the picture above). It was long, and slow going. If you have any climbing suggestions, please let me know!!!! I did summit my first peak in the Rockies. Being slow DID have its advantage that day, because I actually got a view - everyone else had seen nothing but fog.

After the pass was AWESOME!!!! There was a 12 mile descent. That rocked - I love flying down a mountain at 38 mph for a long time. That is a problem in the Northeast. Short climbs, but short descents, too.

We went through Helena, but I didn't stop for very long. Lots of people took the train ride through town, since it was an "easy" day...I did go to the Evil Empire (SprWal-Mart) to have my camera pics transferred to CD. I'll have more room now to take more pictures!

At the end, Debbie and I rode into camp together. The headwind was ridiculous, but at least the downhills made up for it. I was very excited for Debbie - she had made it all the way over the Rockies AND had ridden the whole entire day.

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